BSUSC Recruitment 2020 | Assistant Professor Posts | Total Vacancies 4638 | Last Date 02.11.2020 | Bihar Assistant Professor Recruitment Notification @ bsusc.bihar.gov.in
Online Application in prescribed format , Upload on Commission website http://bsusc.bihar.gov.in are invited till 5 PM of 02-11-2020 from eligible Indian citizen only , for regular appointment on the vacant posts of Assistant Professor in Different Universities of Bihar on the Basis of requisition received from Education Department , Government of Bihar. To enable candidates o fill the online application form conveniently and without any error , advertisement notice /details / information and detailed guidelines are uploaded on Bihar State University Serivce Commission(BSUSC) website https://bsusc.bihar.gov.in . Before initiation the process of filling the Online Application Form , Candidates Must carefully go through the detailed advertisement and necessary guidelines for filling the online application form available on commission’s website . Vacancies for he post of Assistant Processor are available in he following Subjects.
पदों की संख्या – 4638 पद
पदों का नाम (Name of Posts) :- Assistant Professor
Sl.No. | Name of Subject | Number of Post |
1 | Arabic | 02 |
2 | English | 253 |
3 | Urdu | 100 |
4 | Persian | 14 |
5 | Maithili | 43 |
6 | Sanskrit | 76 |
7 | Hindi | 292 |
8 | History | 316 |
9 | Ancient Indian History & Archaeology / Culture / Asian Studies | 55 |
10 | Home Science | 83 |
11 | Personnel Management and Industrial Relations/ Industrial Relation and Personnel Management / Labour and Social Welfare | 18 |
12 | Geography | 142 |
13 | Political Science | 280 |
14 | Economics | 268 |
15 | Philosophy | 135 |
16 | Psychology | 424 |
17 | Sociology | 108 |
18 | Public Administration | 12 |
19 | Rural Economics | 8 |
20 | Physics | 300 |
21 | Chemistry | 332 |
22 | Botany | 333 |
23 | Mathematics | 261 |
24 | Zoology | 285 |
25 | Music | 23 |
26 | Bangla | 28 |
27 | Environmental Science | 104 |
28 | Commerce | 112 |
29 | Sahitya | 31 |
30 | Vyakaran | 36 |
31 | Jyotish | 17 |
32 | Karmkand | 05 |
33 | Dharma Shastra | 09 |
34 | Puran | 03 |
35 | Darshan | 09 |
36 | Ambedkar Thought | 04 |
37 | Anthropology | 05 |
38 | Geology | 05 |
39 | Gandhian Though | 02 |
40 | Law | 15 |
41 | Angika | 04 |
42 | Statistics | 17 |
43 | Education | 10 |
44 | Bio-Chemistry | 5 |
45 | Rural Study | 01 |
46 | Electronics | 12 |
47 | Pali | 22 |
48 | Prakrit | 10 |
49 | Nepali | 01 |
50 | Russian | 04 |
51 | Bhojpuri | 02 |
52 | Journalism and Mass Communication | 02 |
शैक्षिक योग्यता (Qualification)
- Check Advertisement for educational qualification & age limit.
Selection Process
- BSUSC selection will be based on test/ interview.
Mode of Application
- Applicants should submit both online & offline mode
आवेदन कैसे करें (How to Apply)
Dates For BSUSC Bihar Job
- Application Begin : 23/09/2020
- Last Date for Apply Online : 02/11/2020
- Receipt Hard Copy Last Date: 24/11/2020
- Exam Date : Notified Soon
- Admit Card Available : Notified Soon