If you are looking Western Coalfields Ltd Recruitment .You are on right place.we have good collection Western Coalfields Ltd career .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Western Coalfields Ltd Published Notification This year on 16-10-2020 of Computer Operator & Programming Assistant – 06 Posts .We are always committed to provide Western Coalfields Ltd Recruitment 2020 – Online Application Form for whatsapp, Facebook.
Western Coalfields Ltd Apprentice Recruitment 2020
Online Applications are invited from eligible Candidates in Following Trades for one Year’s Apprenticeship Training at The Establishment “Skill Development Centre Nagpur (WCL) “.
Trade Name :- Computer Operator & Programming Assistant
Total Seats :- 06 Seats
Qualification :- ITI in Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
Stipend :- Rs.7700/-
- Domicile from Nagpur District shall be given first preference in selection. Candidates from other district of Maharashtra shall be given second preference and candidates outside Maharashtra shall be given third preference.
- Candidates should possess educational qualification as indicated in the above table from Institute recognized by NCVT/SCVT.
- Candidate should have Physical fitness as per the Mines Rules 1955.
- The minimum age on 24/11/2020 should be 18 years for candidates of all categories.
- The maximum age on 24/11/2020 should be 25 years for candidates of General Category. Maximum Age Limit is relaxed by 5 years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and 3 years for Other Backward Class.
- Candidate should fulfil all provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961.
- Candidates should have an Aadhar Number.
- Candidates should have a valid Saving Bank Account.
- Candidates should have registered at the apprenticeship training portal.
How to Apply :-
- Candidate should have registered first at the official portal of Trade Apprenticeship. Details of Candidate should have available at the portal www.apprenticeshipindia.org. Candidate’s apprenticeship registration number is mandatory before filling on line application form at WCL.
- Candidates should apply through official website of Western Coalfields Limited for the establishment_“Skill Development Centre Nagpur (WCL)”. Before filling online application forms, candidate should have read thoroughly and carefully the Notification and prepare with the recent coloured Photograph of passport size and signature in jpg format only
- Applications shall not be accepted in any other mode except online application at official web portal of WCL.
Important Date:-
- The last date for submission of applications is 24/11/2020.