Online Applications are invited from the desirous and eligible Applicants and residents of India to fill up
the vacant posts of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) in the Administrative and Subordinate Units of Rajasthan Postal
Rajasthan Postal Circle DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF MTS 2018
Notification No. Rectt/2-39/2017 Dated 14.11.2017
Rajasthan Postal Circle Vacancy Details : –
Total No. of Posts:- 57 Vacancies
The details of the vacancies in each Division/Unit in the circle are furnished as here under :-
Administrative Units :-
- Circle Office, Jaipur :- 01 Vacanices
- RLO :- 01 Vacanices
- Postal Store Depot, Ajmer :- 01 Vacanices
- Postal Store Depot, Jaipur :- 01 Vacanices
- Circle Stamp Depot, Jaipur:- 01 Vacanices
- DA(P) Office, Jaipur :- 06 Vacanices
Subordinate Units
- RMS ‘JP’ Dn. Jaipur :- 37 Vacanices
- RMS ‘J’ Dn. Ajmer :- 03 Vacanices
- RMS ‘ST’ Dn. Jodhpur :- 06 Vacanices
Note : The vacancies notified are subject to vary/change without any prior intimation.
Pay Matrix :- Rs 18,000 in Level 1 + Admissible allowance.
Age limit :- 18 to 25 years for Unreserved (UR) applicants.
Educational Qualification:- Matriculation or I.T.I. from any recognized Board or University.
How to Apply :- The Applicant can apply only through online mode.
- First, the applicant has to visit the website “www.doprajrecruitment.in” and should read notification, instructions and vacancy position carefully before applying online.
- After then, the applicant has to click on the link of “REGISTER” under the tab of MTS. The above link will be active from 07.00 hrs on 15.11.2017 to 23.59 hrs on 14.12.2017 During Registration process, the applicant has to fill all the required fields. After successfully registration, the candidate will receive a unique Application Number on given mobile no. & email address for further login
- After registration, the candidate has to login by using his/her Application Number and Password. The password will be date of birth. After login, the candidate should fill his personal details carefully and correctly in the fields displayed at the web page and the applicant has also to indicate his/her preference of Division, in the Circle, to which they intend to apply and also indicate the options for Examination cities. After filling up all the fields, the applicant has to click on “Save and Continue”\
- Now, the candidate has to upload scanned images of his/her latest passport size photograph and signature in .JPG/.JPEG format. The image size should less than or equal to 500 KB. After successfully uploading these images, a preview details with all the inputs submitted by the candidate will be displayed. At this stage, the candidate can check and edit the details submitted by him/her, if required. If the candidate is satisfied and assured with the correctness of provided information, he/she can proceed further to generate challan.
- After successfully submission of application form, the applicant cannot change/edit in the information given by him/her. Now, the candidate can printout of the system generated Fee-Challan form (in triplicate) to deposit Examination/ Application fee.
Application Fee :-
- Candidates belonging to Un-reserved (UR) and OBC :- Rs. 500/-
- Candidates belonging to SC / ST / PH / Woman :- Rs. 100/-
Mode of Payment :- The applicant can deposit the fee only through e-Payment service of the post office. The list of identified e-payment service enabled post offices is available on the website. The applicant has to approach nearby post office out of them and has to deposit the required fee in cash (INR) only. In case of non-payment of fee, the application will not be considered for further process. The applicants are advised to keep a copy of fee challan, receipt issued by the post office and application, for future reference.
Important Notice of Rajasthan Postal Circle DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF MTS 2018
For more information related to Rajasthan Postal Circle DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF MTS 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Rajasthan Postal Circle DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF MTS 2018 :-
- Last date for online application :- The candidate can apply online from 07.00 hrs on 15.11.2017 to 23.59 hrs on 14.12.2017 The applicant, who applies on last day of application, can deposit the fee up to 16.12.2017
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Online Application form of Rajasthan Postal Circle DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF MTS 2018