Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to 39 (thirty- nine) vacant posts of Translator (Group-B Post) in Level 7 ( 44900/- to 142400/-) of pay matrix of 7th PRC plus usual allowances as admissible under the Patna High Court Officers and Staff (Recruitment, Appointment, Promotion and Other Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules, 2021 as amended from time to time in the Establishment of the High Court of Judicature at Patna (hereinafter referred to as ‘High Court’) initially on probation for a period of one year under the terms and conditions mentioned below :-
Patna High Court Translator Recruitment 2022-2023
Advertisement No.- PHC/04/2022
Name of Post :- Translator (Group-B Post)
Unreserved | 16 |
Schedul d Castes (SC) | 06 |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 01 |
Extremely Backward Classes (EBC) | 07 |
Backward Classes (BC) | 05 |
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) | 04 |
- Marital Status :- A male candidate who has more than one wife alive or a female candidate who has married a person already having a wife alive shall not be eligible for the
- Physical fitness :- No person shall be recruited unless he/ she is in good mental and physical health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance on his/ her official duties. Before a candidate recruited directly is appointed to the establishment, he/ she shall be required to produce a medical certificate of physical fitness issued under the signature of a Medical Officer (not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of a Government Hospital) at the time of joining the Provided that no person under Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) category shall be recruited unless he/ she is in good mental health and physically fit except to the extent of his/ her disability.
Age limit:- A candidate for direct recruitment to the post of Translator must not be below 18 years of age as on the 1st January, 2022 i.e. a candidate must not be born later than 01.2004. The category-wise permissible upper age limit is as follows
- Unreserved & EWS (Male) 37 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1985)
- Unreserved & EWS (Female) 40 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1982)
- BC / EBC (Male & Female) 40 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1982)
- SC/ ST (Male & Female) 42 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1980)
- OH (locomotor) (Unreserved/ EWS/ EBC/ BC/ SC/ ST) 47 years (born not earlier than 02.01.1975)
Minimum Qualification :- The applicant must possess following essential qualification/ eligibility conditions for the post of Translator as on 01st August, 2022:
- Graduation with English as one of the subject from a recognised
- Diploma/ Certificate of at least six month’s course in Computer Application from a recognized
- Preference will be given to Post-graduate candidates in English/ Hindi.
- Preference will also be given to the candidates having knowledge of Urdu/ Bangla/
Preferential Qualification:- A candidate –
- who has served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period for two years, or
- who has obtained a ‘B’ certificate of the National Cadet Corps
- shall, other things being equal, be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment to the establishment at the time of interview.
Mode of Selection :-
- Written test.
- Computer Proficiency Test
- Candidates are advised to read the detailed advertisement carefully prior to filling the online application form. The candidate must ensure that he/she has an active e-mail ID and Mobile number. The e-mail ID and the Mobile number are required to be preserved till publication of final result. The candidate must also ensure the availability of all the relevant documents/ certificates at the time of filling the online application
- For Applying Online, visit the “Recruitments” tab in the column on the left hand menu of official website of Patna High Court (http://patnahighcourt.gov.in).
- Click on the link “Translator Recruitment Examination, 2022”.
- Click on “Apply online”.
- Click on the link “New Registration” to
Important Dates
- Date for commencement of submission of online application : 21.10.2022
- Last date for submission of nline application : 11.11.2022
- Last date for making online fee payment : 13.11.2022
- Date of Examination :08.01.2023 (Tentative)
Important Links