If you are looking Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Recruitment .You are on right place.we have good collection Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders career .Please scroll down and check out our collections. Read our Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Published Notification This year on 04-12-2020 of Diploma & Graduate Apprentice – 86 Posts Vacancies .We are always committed to provide MDL Recruitment 2020 for whatsapp, Facebook.
Mazagon Dock Apprentice Recruitment 2021
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd Diploma & Graduate Apprentice Recruitment 2021
MDL Recruitment: मझगांव डॉक शिपबिल्डर्स लिमिटेड महाराष्ट्र ने 86 स्नातक / डिप्लोमा अपरेंटिस पदों के लिए रोजगार समाचार (Employment News) प्रकाशित किया है सभी उम्मीदवारों से निवेदन है की Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले रोजगार संबंधी सभी आवश्यक जानकारियाँ पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें।
Total No. of Posts :- 86 Posts
(A). Graduate Apprentices: 79 Seats
- Chemical Engg. :- 01 Seat
- Computer Engg.:- 02 Seats
- Civil Engg. :- 03 Seats
- Electrical Engg. :- 15 Seats
- Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.:- 05 Seats
- Mechanical Engg. :- 43 Seats
- Production Engg. :- 05 Seats
- Shipbuilding Technology :- 05 Seats
Minimum Educational Qualification:
- A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by a Statutory University in relevant discipline.
- A Degree in Engineering or Technology granted by an Institution empowered to grant such degree by an Act of Parliament in relevant discipline.
- Graduate examination of Professional bodies recognized by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to above.
(B). Diploma Apprentices: 07 Seats
- Electrical Engg. :- 02 Seats
- Mechanical Engg. :- 05 Seats
Minimum Educational Qualification:
- A Diploma in Engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline.
- A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by an University in relevant discipline.
- A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by an institution recognized by State Government or Central Government as equivalent to above.
- Shortlisting of candidates for Interview and Document verification will be done based on the percentage of marks obtained in the basic prescribed qualification as applicable to the respective disciplines. Eligible candidates will be called for interview in the merit order of percentage of marks / grades obtained in Graduation & Diploma of the respective discipline only.
- Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview and Document verification in a suitable ratio against available seats of the respective discipline in order of merit, Interview schedule will be informed via email / BOAT portal only, as per which they have to report.
- Final selection for apprenticeship will be based on the satisfactory performance in the interview.
- elected candidates shall have to report at the training center within two weeks of receiving offer letter failing which their selection will be cancelled.
आयु सीमा (Age Limit & Relaxation)
- कृपया आयु में छूट एवं अन्य जानकारियों के लिए प्रकाशित नोटिफिकेशन देखिये।
सिलेक्शन (Selection in MDL)
- इस Sarkari Job में साक्षात्कार, दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन और मेरिट सूची में प्रदर्शन के अनुसार कैंडिडेट का सिलेक्शन होगा, चयन प्रक्रिया की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए नीचे Official Notification जरूर चेक करें।
सैलरी कितनी मिलेगी (Salary in MDL Mumbai)
- वेतनमान 8000 – 9000/- INR रहेगा, कृपया सैलरी संबंधित अधिक जानकारी के लिए Notification जरूर चेक करें
आवेदन फीस (Application Fees)
- कोई आवेदन शुल्क नहीं, अधिक जानकारी के लिए ऑफिशियल Notification जरूर चेक करें।
How to Apply :- Application from candidates will be accepted through ONLINE MODE only at Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd website https://mazagondock.in/ . No other mode for submission of application is allowed.
Important Dates
- Starting Date to Apply Online: 04-12-2020
- Last Date to Apply Online: 23-12-2020
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Official Website | Click Here |