EASTERN RAILWAY RECRUITMENT Applications, on plain paper (A4 size) in the given format (Annexure ??? II) should be neatly typed or hand written either in English or Hindi duly filled in own handwriting are invited from the eligible Scout & Guide candidates for filling up the vacancies against Scouts & Guides Quota of Eastern Railway for the year 2016-17. The candidates having no Scouts & Guides qualifications as required, need not to apply
Advertisement No. 01/2016/S&G/ER
Total No. Of Posts : 10 posts
Name Of the Post :- Category -1 Group ‘C’Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) (02 posts)
Education Qualification:- (a)12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent examination with not less than 50%
marks in the aggregate. 50% marks is not to be insisted upon in case of SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen
(b) Scouting/Guiding Qualification as in Para 4.0
Name Of the Post :- Category – 2 Erstwhile Group ‘D’ (08 posts)
Education Qualification:-
(a) Passed Class-10th or ITI or equivalent or National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by NCVT.
(b) Scouting/Guiding Qualification as in Para 4.0
Separate application (for category-1 and category-2) in prescribed format is to be sent by ordinary
post only addressed TO The Chief Personnel Officer, E.Rly., 17, Netaji Subhas Road (1st floor),
CPO’s Office, Recruitment Section, Fairlie Place, Kolkata-700 001
or to be dropped in the application box kept in the office of the Chief Personnel Officer, E.Rly., Recruitment Section, during office hours except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.
(Courier Post/Registered Post/Speed Post will not be accepted)
Age limit (Age as no. 01.01.2017)
Group ” C”(Category- 1) : 18 to 29 yrs.
Group “D” (Erstwhile) (Category-2) : 18 to 32 yrs.
OBC :Relaxation up to 3yrs. in upper age
SC / ST :Relaxation up to 5yrs. in upper age
Important Date :
Closing Date and Time for receipt of applications: 04/11/2016 upto 17:00 hrs
Closing Date & Time for candidates residing at Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahul & Spiti Districts and Pangi sub-division of
Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman , Nicobar and Lakshadweep Island and candidates
residing abroad : 21/11/2016
Application received by post or directly beyond the last date will not be entertained
Click Here to Download Full ADVT. Notice. And Application Form