DSSSB Recruitment Online Applications are invited for recruitment to the following posts under various departments of Govt. of NCT of Delhi and its autonomous bodies:-
Candidates must apply online through theDSSSB Recruitment website http://dsssbonline.nic.in .The closing date for submission of online application is upto 5 P.M. on 21/08/2017 after which the link will be disabled. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
The DSSSB Recruitment details regarding name of the post(s), post code, number of vacancies, educational qualifications, experience required, pay scale, age limit etc. as per the Recruitment Rules provided by the user department are as under:-
DSSSB Recruitment 2017
Total No. Posts :- 1074 Vacancy
- Name of the Posts :- Lower Division Clerk (Delhi Agricultural Marketing Board)
Post Code:- 1/17
Number of Vacancies:- 34 Vacancies (UR-22, OBC-04, SC-08) including PH(VH) -01.
Educational Qualification:- 12th class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or university and A typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English typing or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word).
Pay Scale:-Rs. 5200 -20200 + Grade Pay 1900 (Level -2 of Pay Matrix Rs. 19900- 63200/-) Group: ‘C’
Age Limit:- Not exceeding 18-27years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/Deptt. Candidate/PH/Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time. - Name of the Posts :- Grade-IV (DASS) (Services department)
Post Code:- 2/17
Number of Vacancies:- 480 Vacancies(UR-262, OBC-135, SC-63, ST-20) including PH-15, EXsm-48 &
Sports persons-24
Educational Qualification:- 12th class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or university and A typing speed of 35 w.p.m. in English typing or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on Computer (35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word).
Pay Scale:-Rs. 5200 -20200 + Grade Pay 1900 (Level -2 of Pay Matrix Rs. 19900- 63200/-) Group: ‘C’
Age Limit:- Not exceeding 18-27years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/Deptt. Candidate/PH/Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time. - Name of the Posts :- Grade-II (DASS) (Services department)
Post Code:- 3/17
Number of Vacancies:- 221 Vacancies- (UR-108, OBC-70, SC-27, ST-16) including PH-07(OH-02, HH-
03, VH-02), EXsm.- 22, Sports person-11.
Educational Qualification:- Degree from a recognized university in Arts/Commerce/Science or Agriculture . and Knowledge of Hindi.
Pay Scale:-Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4600 (Level 07 of the Pay Matrix i.e. Rs. 44900-142400) Group: ‘C’
Age Limit:- 20-27 years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/PH//Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time. - Name of the Posts :- Statistical Assistant (Planning Deptt)
Post Code:- 4/17
Number of Vacancies:- 260 Vacancies- (- (UR-79, OBC-100, SC-46, ST-35) including PH (OH-02, HH-05,
VH-04 & Autism/Multiple disability -05).
Educational Qualification:- Post Graduate Degree in Statistics/Operational research /Mathematical Statistics/Applies statistics Or Post Graduate Degree in Economics/Mathematics /Commerce (with Statistics as one of the subject / papers in Post Graduation/Graduation level ) And Working knowledge of Computers.
Pay Scale:-Rs.9300 -34800 + Grade Pay 4200 Group: ‘B’
Age Limit:- 18-30 years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate /PH/Widow/Divorced/ in Accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time - Name of the Posts :- Junior Engineer (Civil) (Delhi Agricultural Marketing Board)
Post Code:- 5/17
Number of Vacancies:- 05 Vacancies (UR-05)
Educational Qualification:- Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized university/Institution or equivalent.
Pay Scale:-Rs.9300 -34800 + Grade Pay 4200 Group: ‘B’
Age Limit:- 18-27 Years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/PH//Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time.. - Name of the Posts :- Draughtsman Grade-III (Delhi Jal Borad)
Post Code:- 6/17
Number of Vacancies:- 52 Vacancies (UR-27, OBC-16, SC-05 & ST-04) including PH (HH-02, OH-01)
and ExSM-01.
Educational Qualification:- Matriculation or equivalent from a Board or institution
recognized by state/central Govt. And 02 years diploma in Draftsmanship from a recognized
Pay Scale:- Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay 2400 Group: ‘C’
Age Limit:- 18-27 Years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/PH//Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time.. - Name of the Posts :- Food Safety Officer (Deptt. Of Food Safety)
Post Code:- 8/17
Number of Vacancies:- 05 Vacancies (UR-01, OBC-03, SC-01)
Educational Qualification:- Matriculation /High School Pass from a recognized institute/Board.
Pay Scale:- Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay 2000 Group: ‘C’’
Age Limit:- 18-27 Years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/PH//Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time.. - Name of the Posts :- Field Assistant (Deptt. Of Food Safety)
Post Code:- 8/17
Number of Vacancies:- 10 Vacancies (UR-05, OBC-03, SC-01 & ST-01) including ExSM-01.
Educational Qualification:- A degree in food technology or dairy technology or bio technology or oil technology or agriculture science or veterinary sciences or bio chemistry or micro biology or Master degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from recognized university or Any other equivalent/recognized qualification notified by Central Govt
Pay Scale:- Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4200 Group: ‘B’
Age Limit:- Not exceeding 30 years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time - Name of the Posts :- Librarian (Dte. Of Training & Technical Education)
Post Code:- 9/17
Number of Vacancies:- 06 Vacancies – (UR-04, OBC-01,ST-01)including PH (OH)-01 and ExSM-01.
Educational Qualification:- Graduate from a recognized university with diploma in Library Science. And One year’s professional experience.
Pay Scale:– Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4200 Group: ‘C’
Age Limit:- Below 37 years, Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/PH//Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time. - Name of the Posts :- Librarian (Dte. Of Training)
Post Code:- 10/17
Number of Vacancies:- 01 Vacancies – (UR-01)
Educational Qualification:- Bachelor’s degree in Library science or Library and Information science of a recognized university/institute
Pay Scale:- Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4200 Group: ‘B’
Age Limit:- Not exceeding 30 years. Age Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/ Deptt. Candidate/PH//Exsm/Sports persons/Widow/divorced women in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by Govt. of India from time to time.
How to Apply DSSSB Recruitment Form
- The candidates must apply Online only. No other mode of application shall be accepted.
- The candidates must read the INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING ONLINE carefully, which are available on the website of the Board, before filling up Online Application Form for the post(s) concerned.
- Benefit of reservation for various categories i.e. SC/ST/OBC etc. shall be given as per the policy of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
- The successful candidates will be required to submit legible Self attested copies of the documents, Admit Card alongwith the hard copy of printout of online application form at the time of verification of documents (any information contained in the attached certificates shall not be considered unless it is claimed in the application form).
- The centers for holding the examination will be in Delhi only.
- The candidates must carry Aadhaar Card to the examination centre, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination
Rs. 100/- (One Hundred only)
- Women candidates and candidates belonging to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, Physically Handicapped & Ex-serviceman category are exempted from paying Application fee
- Ex-servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to exservicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession
- The candidates submitting their application online should pay the requisite fees only through SBI e-pay. Other mode of payment will not be considered and the application of such candidates will be rejected outrightly and payment made shall stand forfeited.
- Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
MODE OF SELECTION: The selection shall be made through One Tier and Two Tier examination scheme and Skill Test wherever applicable.
For more information related to DSSSB Recruitment you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment
Important Date :-
- Opening Date for submission of Online Application :- 01/08/2017
- Closing date for submission of Online Application :- 21/08/2017
See #Short Official Notification here ( DSSSB Recruitment 2017)
See #Online Application Form (Actived Soon…)