On The basis of screening test for appointment on the post of Clerk in The Civil Courts of Bihar held on 17-07-2016 & 21-08-2016 , list of qualified candidates category wise for written test (Main) 2016 is being published below in ascending order
Civil Court , Bihar
Results of Screening Test -2016 (Preliminary) for Appointment of clerk In the Civil Court , Bihar
[ Website:- (http://ecourts.gov.in]
Total No. Posts : 17942 Vacancies
- Name Of the Posts : ClerkTotal No. Posts :- 17942 Vacancies
UR :- 8600 Vacancies
BC:- 2639 Vacancies
EBC:- 3256 Vacancies
SC :- 2749 Vacancies
ST :- 175 Vacancies
Female of reserved Category :- 523 Vacancies
- Name Of the Posts : ClerkTotal No. Posts :- 17942 Vacancies
Note :- The Result of the Preliminary Examination has been prepared after due verification of objections received from the examiners against and model answers , by a team comprising expert teachers of respective subjects and making required correction
Deposition Writer cum-Typist-cum Clerk