The office of Director ,Monitoring Directorate ,Central Water Commission , Patna invites Online application from the eligible candidates for the following Group “C” Non Gazetted posts under Work Charged Establishment .
Central Water Commission
Patna Recruitment 2018
Total No. of Vacancy :- 22 Posts(UR-18, SC-03, ST-00 , OBC-01)
Name of Posts :- Skilled Work Assistant (SWA)
Education qualification :- Matriculation or ITI or Equivalent from recognized Board / university /Institution .
Age limit :- 18 -30 Years Relaxation in the age in case of SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. Rules .
Nature of duties :- to Carry out any job of assistance /Help nature related to hydro logical & metro logical observations ,such as gauge , Discharge and Sit observations of river streams ,Snow observations ,Survey & Investigation of projects ,plying of boat, Operations of Machines ,Work related to flood forecasting ,Wireless operation , Watch and ward , gardening ,office upkeep / Cleaning and any other duties as assigned by officer in Change.
Posting :- The above posts are temporary but likely to continue . Present posting shall be in the jurisdiction of Director , Monitoring Directorate , Central Water Commission, Patna , Bihar with the with the liability to serve anywhere in India .
Selection Process :- The Department has right to adopt appropriate criteria to short list the application for the above posts. however ,if the numbers of application are more ,candidates will be short listed based on the marks scored in Matriculation / ITI or equivalent only . The short listed candidates will be called for Physical Test (Except PwD Candidates ). No. Marks will be given for physical test and it is only qualifying nature . Final Selection of the candidates qualified in physical test shall be done on merit basis on the marks obtained in Matriculation / ITI or equivalent.
How to Apply :- Application must be submitted only in online mode by clicking on the option “Work Charged Recruitment System “ available on CWC Website : www.csc.gov.in .
Important Notice of Central Water Commission ,Patna Recruitment 2018
For more information related to Central Water Commission ,Patna Recruitment 2018. you can see published notices. Please share this information with your friends and help them and visit daily on our website for daily employment.
Note :- Before Submit Application Form Kindly Read Advertisement Carefully
Important Dates of Central Water Commission ,Patna Recruitment 2018:-
- Last Date of Submit Online application Form :- 28/02/2018